It is the largest gland in the human body. It is located in the lower part of the diaphragm muscle in the abdominal cavity. It is made of liver cells or hepatocytes.
A different function of Liver
1)Metabolic function
- Carbohydrate metabolism: Glycogen synthesis
- Lipid metabolism: Fatty acid synthesis, Cholesterol synthesis
- Protein metabolism: Urea synthesis from ammonia
- Hormone metabolism: Extraction of steroid hormones
2)Synthesis function: Synthesis of plasma protein and cholesterol
3)Excretory Function: Excretion of bile pigments and bile salts into bile
4)Detoxification: Ammonia is detoxified to urea
5)Regulation of blood glucose level: By hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenic
6)Storage function for Glycogen Vitamin A, D, K, B12, and Fe

1) Fatty Liver
2) Jaundice
3) Liver Cirrhosis
- Yellow discoloration of eyes, skin, and urine.
- Jaundice is not a disease but is a symptom of lots of diseases.
- Viral Infection: Hepatitis A, B, C, E, dengue malaria can give rise to Jaundice
- Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to liver damage which in turn causes Jaundice
- Cancer of the Pancreas and gall bladder can also give rise to Jaundice.
Diagnosis & Investigation
1)Liver Function Test
- Bilirubin Level is increased which is used to detect Jaundice.
2)US Abdomen (Ultrasonography Abdomen)
Liver Cirrhosis
It is a condition where the Liver becomes very stiff. Normally Liver is soft like rubber and when a person is cirrhotic the liver becomes stiff.
It has 2 Categories
- Compensated Liver Cirrhosis
- In this Patient has no symptoms. It can be detected in Ultrasound. Urine burning can happen. It can also be detected in appendix Surgery.
2)Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis has symptoms such as Swelling of the face, swelling of legs, and swelling of the abdomen.
- Excessive alcohol intake, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infection can lead to Liver Cirrhosis.
- Fatty liver if not treated properly can lead to Liver Cirrhosis. It can be confirmed by using LFT.
Diagnosis & Investigation
- Lab Test
Liver Function Test
- The Liver Function Test is a blood test used to help diagnose and monitor Liver disease.
- It measures enzymes and protein levels in the blood.
LFT can be classified into 5 classes according to the function of the liver
- Test on excretory function
- Test on detoxification function
- Test on metabolic function
- Test on synthesis function
- Determination of Serum enzymes like ALT, AST, ALP
How To Deal With Liver Cirrhosis
- There are different ways to deal with Compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis. Compensated liver Cirrhosis: It may not require any treatment but we need to monitor the patient every 3-6 months. The patient has to go for LFT, Ultrasound, and endoscopy.
Decompensated liver Cirrhosis
- Need specific Treatment
Hepatic encephalopathy (coma-like condition) commonly known as mental confusion, can set in because the body might have lots of toxins get into the brain and lead to hepatic encephalopathy. Protein content will go down and it can lead to water accumulation in the legs and it is called Pedal edema.
Also, water accumulation can take place in the abdomen called Ascites, and sometimes in the face called Facial edema.
Further, it can also lead to damage to the kidney called hepatorenal syndrome, and also damage to the lung called hepatopulmonary syndrome.
- Liver Transplant
- Manrevive ayurvedic medicine “Liver Revive”
- Stop alcohol completely
- Damaged Liver can be regenerated naturally using Manrevive preparation.
- Decompensated liver Cirrhosis can be converted into Compensated Liver Cirrhosis
So, Control your lifestyle, obesity, diabetes Mellitus, and Hepatitis B and C.
- Manrevive has permanent treatment for Fatty Liver and liver Cirrhosis. We personally suggest the medicine “Liver Revive”.
- It has been outstanding so far and you can experience it once the treatment starts.
- Dosage will be suggested by doctors at the time of consultation.