Erectile dysfunction, a Sexual dysfunction is growing among men across the globe. In Erectile dysfunction a person is partially or completely unable to achieve an erection in Penis and maintains it. According to data, it is estimated that in men younger than 40 years, 2% are suffering from Erectile dysfunction, and in men older than 80 years, 80% are affected by Erectile dysfunction.
Manrevive Homeopathy division can help patients to get over this sexual dysfunction but a patient has to keep patience as the rate of recovery is slow, unlike allopathy medication. Homeopathy is 100% safe and effective. It has no side effects. It treats a person as a whole physically and mentally taking care of past and present symptoms. It also helps to strengthen body immunity and avoids the reoccurrence of the disease
Manrevive Homeopaths recommend the below-mentioned Homeopathy medicine for erectile dysfunction and Premature ejaculation
- Acid Phos and Selenium 30 -It is used for hair loss from the face and genitals due to low Testosterone
- Agnus Cast -It is used for Premature aging, lack of Sexual desire
- Agnus Castus 30-It is used for Erectile dysfunction caused by Low Testosterone, Flaccid genitals, and low sex drive. Agnus Castus for erectile dysfunction.
- Argentum Nitricum-it is used for nervousness, inability to achieve erection, sweet and salty food cravings
- Avena Sativa-It is used when a person suffers from low energy, poor concentration, sleeplessness
- Baryta Carbonica-It is used for Impotence, physical weakness, Insecurity
- Caladium-It is used in Irritability, depression, and decreased erections. Caladium for erectile dysfunction
- Chaste Tree-It is used for Forgetfulness, poor concentration, flaccidity, cold genitals
- Kali Phos 30-It is used for fatigue, depression, exhaustion
- Lycopodium-It is used for impotence, physical weakness, insecurity
- Nuphar Luteum Q-It is used for loss of sexual desire, relaxed genital, involuntary stool, and urination emissions may be present
- Sabal Serrulata-It is used for lack of sex drive, testicular atrophy
- Selenium Metallicum-It is used when sexual desire is present, but the ability is weak, fatigued, or there is a case of involuntary ejaculation.